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Flow wrap meal kits


Flow wrap numerous products at one time is really a economical and safe remedy to package services and products. We have been tasked with institutions including schools, physicians and commissaries to deliver an automated packaging solution to supper snacks (beverage box, sandwich, vegetable or vegetable and bite ).

Flow wrapping meal kits

To adapt the several distinct sizes and configurations we now utilize our exceptional flat flow wrapper, the SleekWrapper-65 Inverted. Distinctive from the conventional flow wrap machines that push on product working with a drag / string system while over wrapping, the Sleek-Inverted model uses a handy conveyor mattress which gently conveys the product into the sealing area once it is wrapper out of the ground up. Employing a conveyor provides more flexibility in product setup since there are no change parts if a specific SKU become longer or change in shape.

Don't neglect to stop by a Paxiom X-PERIENCE Center to observe our various flow wrapping solutions personally the next time you visit at least one of those cities!